Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Think Twice Before Multi-tasking in Car

I've been a medic on two serious head-on crashes. One resulted in a fatality, the other in a life-changing event for the victim. Both resulted from drivers who attempted to do something else while driving and subsequently crossed the center line.

Unfortunately, the deadly or serious injuries happened to the unsuspecting drivers who were suddenly presented with a car coming at them in their lane at high speed. They never had a chance...

I feel sorry for the victims, but also for the careless drivers. Who would want to have the memory of their stupidity causing such carnage?

Drive your car. Save the cell phone, the text message, or the kid's discipline for when you are safely parked.


Dave said...

You are of course absolutely right and you made me think of my mid-day drive to do some errands and get some lunch. I usually don't answer my cell phone if I'm driving. Today I did as I thought it would be a short call while I was on the expressway. I clicked the phone off maybe three miles off the expressway and was struck by the fact that I had no direct recollection of getting off the expressway and going through four traffic lights. That is how what you describe happens; and, I've got to do what I normally do, just drive.

Woozie said...

A while back we actually saw someone trying to type a text message while driving. We couldn't believe it. Were almost hit twice.

Ron Davison said...

We often work with clients, trying to reduce multitasking. Maybe we should get a t-shirt that reads, "multitasking kills." Sad, really.