Monday, November 28, 2005

Worst President Ever, Maybe

Today I saw a bumper sticker proclaiming "Worst President Ever", which was fresh enough that it couldn't have been referring to anyone else but our current president, George Bush. While he perhaps has a way to go before he earns that distinction, he's making headway on this dubious honor.

Years from now his biography might include:
- Started a war based on "facts" that were soon proven false.
- Failed to take responsibility for the error of going to war based on false information.
- Failed to put in enough troops to win the war, but declared "Mission Accomplished" anyway.
- Forced to remove troops due to public opinion turning sour over failed Iraq policy.
- Cut taxes in the face of largest deficit budgets ever. Also cut college tuition assistance.
- Enacted costly Medicare drug entitlement although the budget forecasted deficits for years.
- Didn't reform Social Security, Medicare, or the Tax Code - all major risks to the U.S. future.
- Headed a government where at least three major players were enveloped in scandal.
- Took his party from total control of government to ignominious losses during his tenure.

George W. Bush needs a few big wins in the next three years, or he'll certainly be close to winning the kudo predicted by the bumper sticker! I suppose someone will have to teach him how to think, talk, and fire the boneheads...

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